Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Scotiabank Nuit Blanche - FLUXe Interactive Art Experience

Scotiabank Nuit Blanche - FLUXe Interactive Art Experience Tube. Duration : 2.57 Mins.

For one sleepless night at Scotiabank's Nuit Blanche, people from all over the world participated in a magical interactive art experience. Together, they reinvented the playful art of finger painting by using enigmatic brush patterns created by nine world-renowned artists. The artists involved span an eclectic range of styles, some notables include Canada's own Oscar nominated and Emmy award winner Alex Kurina, Italian collagist Lorenzo Petrantoni whom has created editorial work for News Week featuring Barak Obama, photographer film director and visionary Zena Holloway who photographs enigmatic fashion narratives under water. Hugh Elliot new media artist who has repurposed his "Movies in Haiku" series of screen prints featuring American Beauty, the Goonies and Fight Club. Please "Like" our Facebook page for a good cause. For every "Like" we get on the page, Scotiabank will donate to the Arts for Children and youth organization. The AFCY is an inspiring arts organization that allows kids in high priority communities to experience grass roots art in education. FB/scotiabanknuitblanchefluxe

Tags: Installation Art, Nuit Blanche Toronto 2011, immersive art, interactive art, interactive, pixel, capital c, multi platform, mobile, tablets, scotiabank, nuit blanche, toronto, Drawing, Painting, digital art, experience, hybrid installation, hybrid experience

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